carson character profile

Height: 6’0
Age: 26
Ethnicity: 1/2 Navajo, 1/4 white trash, 1/4 Korean
Location: San Francisco, alternating to New Mexico
Likes: Jell-O, fifties ads, jiggling naked flesh, Hunter S. Thompson, sixties culture, road trips, fighting, watching Travel Channel documentaries on the Secret Life Of Las Vegas, funky Asian food, mescaline, backpacking, deserts, the internets, hideous t-shirts, dogs, environmentalism, Jethro Tull, sex sex sex.
Dislikes: Responsibility, most other men, the majority of music except officially Carson-Sanctioned ™ bands, ferrets, underwear. Boy Scouts, People Who Litter, cars made after 1975, chain restaurants, socks, mass transit, Thomas Kinkade.
Occupation: Itinerant journalist, odd jobs.
Carson is one of those people that flit through life as if it was made especially for them. Cheerily corrupt, he blasts his way through existence with little tact and without reservations. He has the aesthetics and general ideals of the more militant brand of hippie, which filters down into his clothing and music choices. A sporadic magazine journalist, he’s got a lot of talent but the attention span of a gnat, which means he rarely gets paid for his work. He’s handsome and lean, with an exotic look due to his mixed background, and he gets plenty of attention from the opposite sex, which he revels in. However, the women usually run for their lives when they get to know him a little better in his effusive weirdness. Carson is wary of other men due to his upbringing, and tends to gravitate towards women, whom he adores with charming abandon. Although he is fiercely intelligent, rationality doesn’t feature into his life, and he often functions on rash decisions and poor judgment. However, he’s still an adult who will hold up his end of a bargain if so required- and he can become quickly serious if the situation requires him to do so. Fiercely loyal, Carson will fight like a tiger for those who have earned his fuzzy trust and love. He enjoys a casual brawl and often wins, but his winning streaks are based solely on his ability to snap out of his usual happy hippie persona into a feral neck biter, which makes him an easy victim for anyone who has nuance in their fighting techniques. An old school monkey wrencher, he delights in making the lives of National Park going rednecks and urban developers a misery. He is an eternal optimist and considers people who wallow in angst the epitome of stupid.